Alter Ego
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Cover photo: Syarafina Yusof on Unsplash

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a superpower to summon whenever you need help?

As a rule of thumb, superpowers are associated with superheroes who employ such amazing talents to oppose evil, finish off monsters, or accomplish good deeds.

But legendary superheroes were ordinary people once who transformed themselves after suffering a life-changing event. To protect their real identities, they created an alter ego – an alternative personality.

In some cases, such alternative self becomes the true self – as in the case of Batman and Bruce Wayne, where Batman is the true self. Superman was born as Kal-El on Krypton. On Earth, his alter ego is Clark Kent. When he fights for justice, he returns to his true self by changing his outfit.

It could be the other way around Steve Rogers’s alter ego is Captain America; Peter Parker, Spider-Man.

With Thor, it’s a little different. He doesn’t hide his name. He uses his hammer – Mjölnir – to channel his powers against his rivals.

Apart from Thor, the aforementioned superheroes supersede one identity with another version of their own selves. To battle wickedness, they wear distinctive outfits and masks. 

The interesting point is that, in a similar fashion, you can create your own superhero to cope with situations that disturb you. In this way, you are not only developing your strength but also boosting your confidence.

The desire to be better, accomplish a goal, or defeat internal or external monsters compels common people to turn themselves into their own superheroes.

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Let there be Alter Egos


An Alter Ego is a role that can be used to jump over obstacles; a shield protecting your own self. But more tellingly, the force or burst of energy to perform certain tasks.

Celebrities, politicians, and businessmen use alter egos to project a different image to the public, while safeguarding their own private lives.

You can develop your confidence by creating your Alter Ego or, like Thor, use an instrument for the same purpose – to channel your powers. For instance, a pen, a hat, a cane, sunglasses, a microphone, high heels, boots, or a jacket could do the same as the hammer of the Nordic God. Something to wear shortly before a tough moment.

Your second self won’t replace you by any means, given that it is the same you – unless you want it to take over.

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Artists and their Alter Egos

Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash

Renowned artists have openly acknowledged that they have adopted alter egos to overcome their fears.

One case is Lady Gaga, who, in an interview with Oprah Winfrey said that her alter ego, Gaga, gave her the wings to fly.

Your superhero with special powers is an intimate and trusted friend who could help you with situations where you might feel anxious, uncomfortable, sad. Or even when trauma is present or social condemnation is the order of the day.

An alter character will protect you from external and internal oppositions. But are you aware of who your enemies are?

Identify Your Enemy

Photo by Alexandra Dementyeva on Unsplash

Learn who you need to defend from — what needs to be vanquished.

Your archenemy must be clear. For that, painstakingly describe your adversary. Simply put, give it a face and a nickname, a shape and a suit, an attitude, and how this antihero is upsetting you. If the villain is ‘speaking in public,’ well, label it.

To illustrate the point: “My enemy is Charles. He is always saying that people laugh at me when I am in a conference.”

If your adversaries’ faces and names are in plain sight, you can easily direct your forces to defeat them. Your Alter Ego will watch over you from the battering ram of your attackers.

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Superhero Outfit – Uniform

Photo by Joey Nicotra on Unsplash

Uniforms have been employed throughout history to give those wearing them authority and reliance.

Take the case of military, police officers, pilots, doctors; they are proud of their uniforms. Psychologically speaking, they provide respect.

You have faith in physicians as they have their white coats on. Perhaps you would trust more in the ability of a CEO if he is dressing formally than wearing shorts and a T-shirt. It doesn’t mean an individual should invariably be in a suit and tie to be respected. It is just that in people’s minds, uniforms represent a symbol of faith.

How to Build Your Alter Ego?

Build your Alter Ego
Photo by Ben Allan on Unsplash

1- Ask yourself the following questions: Why do I want an Alter Ego? What do I need to improve?

2- Name and make your second self visible with a facial expression. It could be your own face, with or without make-up, or a piercing.

3- What’s your Alter Ego’s image? Dress it. Choose its uniform.

Bear in mind that this is your creation, so you can change the name and the outfit anytime. Just like a character for a movie. You use this role once and then create another for a different film.

4- Once you have the physical appearance, define its personality. The backstory of your Alter Ego is essential since it affects its behaviour. The place it comes from, family, friends, abilities. Also, the way your second self speaks, writes, walks, and interacts with other people. Be specific.

5- Finally, imagine an activation event, something that triggers the creation of your Alter Ego and its superpowers.

With superpowers, anything goes, from confidence in public speaking to run faster on the track, from writing a novel to cook better recipes for either a restaurant or your family.

Sky’s the limit. It is your conception and because of that, you can have your Alter Ego take any course, and pursue any dream.

What is Your Ambition? What Do You Want? Be Clear


You can accomplish everything you want in life by knowing exactly where to go, by detailing the steps to reach your goal.

From the outset, establish what you really wish. You cannot embark on a change if you don’t know what to transform. A precise purpose you must have.

Remember, becoming minted, famous, or fit are not specific targets; they’re vague. If you want to be rich, you have got to be explicit about how you plan to be wealthy.

Itemise your goal in tiny precise steps. By using the SMART approach – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely – you would be crystal clear about your objective.

Not long after you see your destination and the actions to follow, use your Alter Ego.

What You Think You Become

Photo by Eddie Jones on Unsplash

Picture yourself before a business presentation biting your lips and fingernails, clearing your throat, stuttering, or taking a calming breath.

It turns out that just by triggering your Alter Ego, by holding your own Mjölnir, you can get rid of that anxiety or fear.

It’s proven. There is a plethora of books and studies about it. Everything boils down to your thoughts.

What you think you become. Think of fear, clammy hands, heartbeat racing. Think of confidence, strong posture, chin high, inner light.

Put Your Alter Ego to the Litmus Test

Photo by Quinn Buffing on Unsplash

After giving life to your creation, dash outside and try your new superpowers. Hold a business meeting with your novel Alter Ego, call that client, close that deal, invite that person out.

Create your Alter Ego and produce top-notch results.  

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