Nuclear power

Nuclear Fusion: introducing the breakthrough that will change history

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Cover photo: Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

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Nuclear Fusion

For decades, it was just a pipe dream, a feeble hope.

But on 13 December, 2022, scientists working on nuclear fusion for the US Department of Energy confirmed they have produced the power of the Sun in a lab.

Not only have they proven the possibility of nuclear fusion, but also found the holy grail of energy production. We can finally make a dent in global warming and our addiction to oil.

The experiment came to pass at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California.

This achievement marks the first time in history that a fusion reaction produced more energy in a lab setting than it took to start the reaction; something called ‘energy gain.’

Producing heat from fusion paves the way for infinite clean energy, while breaking the yoke of fossil fuels.

Jennifer Granholm, Energy Secretary, said: “This is one of the most impressive scientific feats of the 21st century.”

To harness this power has been a scientific ambition for decades.

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What is nuclear fusion and why it is important to humanity?

Energy flow
Photo by Roland Larsson on Unsplash

Fusion is the process by which two light atomic nuclei collide to form a single heavier nucleus, releasing a massive amount of energy.

This is the same process that powers stars, including our Sun, where hydrogen atoms are combined, forming helium atoms.

By replicating nuclear fusion reactions here on Earth, we can generate large quantities of clean and unlimited power, and it could be one of the most important sources of electricity in the future.

As with hydrogen fuel cells, fusion is also a safer alternative to fossil fuels, which produce hazardous byproducts that cause environmental damage.

Additionally, the fuel for nuclear fusion is abundant and relatively easy to get, as we can take it from seawater.

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What is the goal of Nuclear Fusion research?

Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash

Basically, this is triggered by the desire to create a sustainable and clean energy source that would be incredibly efficient compared with traditional sources.

At the same time, to build a commercially viable reactor to produce electricity, revolutionising the way we power our world. An emission-free and practically limitless form of electricity.

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How does Nuclear Fusion differ from Nuclear Fission?

Nuclear fission
Photo by Nicolas HIPPERT on Unsplash

Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion are different processes. They are the opposite. Look.

Nuclear fission, the one from atomic bombs and nuclear plants, is generated by splitting atoms. A heavy nucleus, such as Uranium-235, is split into two lighter nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy.

On the other hand, Nuclear Fusion involves a couple of light nuclei fusing together to form a heavier nucleus, releasing even more power. However, fusion reactions require higher temperatures than the fission ones.

Both processes can be used for electricity production.

What are the next steps?

You've got the power
Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash

The following big challenge is to scale it up. To make the reaction last long enough to generate a useful amount of energy.

So as to keep the reaction going, scientists will have to decipher how to produce the extremely high temperatures needed to continue the fusion reaction.

Also, to bring the costs down.

Although the volume of heat generated in this experiment was tiny, what this discovery represents is huge.

The promise of a fusion-powered future.

The outcome of the research shows that it’s possible to create energy from fusion, but before scaling it up, researchers need to refine, replay, and increase the power of the reaction.

Picture this. If Nuclear Fusion is controlled, it could be the answer to global warming.

This is just the appetiser for what’s coming up. It might take decades to develop the technology, but will happen.

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