Alter Ego
Blog, Personal Growth

How to create your Alter Ego

What you think you become. Create your Alter Ego. By triggering your Alter Ego you can get rid of that anxiety or fear. Famous artists have

Blog, Personal Growth

What are the benefits of change?

Change leads to new opportunities, helps you move on, allows personal growth, and shapes you as a person, but your destination must be

Blog, Personal Growth

How to leave your Comfort Zone and enter your Growth Zone

"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new." Brian

Blog, Personal Growth

Motivation and Discipline – when one fails, the other prevails

The winning combination is a partnership between Motivation and Discipline. Just remember, Motivation produces emotion, but Discipline produces

Blog, Personal Growth

How to avoid procrastination – the thief of time

Avoid procrastination by following these simple steps: choose your goal, create a contingency plan, and break down your goal into the tiniest possible

Blog, Personal Growth

How to develop your courage – it is a decision

Fear is a reaction; courage is a decision. "Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall." Ray

Blog, Personal Growth

Life is about taking risks – not playing safe 

Taking risks is better than regretting. Besides, "What is life without a little risk?" J. K. Rowling. God favours the

Blog, Personal Growth

How to win the fight against your own Resistance

The difference between the weak and the lionhearted is that the latter doesn’t give way to

Blog, Personal Growth

The best way to overcome fear and to be confident is through “Acting”

Actors develop abilities, such as public speaking, teamwork, and communication. Playing a character lets you overcome your fears and learn new

Blog, Personal Growth

Are you your worst enemy?

“The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself; you lie in wait for yourself in caves and forests.” Nietzsche. How to fix

Blog, Personal Growth

Your guide to think differently and live differently

What you think you become. "If you want something you’ve never had, you’ve got to do something you’ve never done." Thomas

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Blog, Personal Growth

How to unleash your almighty Angel of Fire

Free yourself from bad habits, apathy, laziness, and toxic people. Make a list of 10 things you want to leave behind, to throw to the rubbish