Angel of FireAngel of Fire
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You have heard voices repeating you are not worth doing something that you want or need. Internal voices telling you to wait to open a business, date someone, do exercise, or to achieve a goal.

Those voices saying “what not to do” are your inner demons. They are lurking underneath your spirit, surrounding your soul, waiting for any attempt from you to advance. They undermine your faith by making you fail since they feed from your frustrations, fears, anxieties, procrastination, anger, and vices.

“You’re not capable; you have to be more prepared,” or “You don’t have enough money to start that business,” or “You’re not too fit to ask that girl out; do more exercise first,” that’s what they say while making you procrastinate… forever.

You’ve got to defeat them for good. All the weapons are within yourself.

But how can you defeat a monster? By unleashing your almighty Angel of Fire.

At this moment, you are the prey. Let’s change that.

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Laziness: One of the Demons

Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

For instance, you Google: “What do I need to be successful?” You get the information, give yourself the thumbs-up and bounce on your toes, but when it comes to take action, you look down, press your lips together, pause, clench your fists, doubt yourself. Those are the demons inside.

They whisper: “You don’t believe this, do you? Relax. Tomorrow we find another way.” You panic from being out of your comfort zone.

Being successful, rich, and powerful could give all you crave. But you’ve got to stop being passive, lazy. You are on your couch watching TV at the weekend, resting from your job, instead of building your future, living the life you want, but you are drained.

When the day is over, before going to bed you might say to yourself: “I will start tomorrow, with all the energy. Monday, a new week.” You go to sleep with a pledge that you may not keep. A slight hope that the next day something miraculous will happen and you wake up with the desire.

In that moment, the demons are delighted, satiated – you procrastinated once more.

Your inner demons transform you into a quitter, and quitters are losers, and losers are weak. Weak people are easy to control.

Castle of Fear

Castle of Fear
Photo by Linus Sandvide on Unsplash

Everything looks creepy but cosy. You’re accustomed, not motivated to escape. Are you living in a castle of fear?

Close your eyes and visualise a castle as your own mind; a flight of stairs, paintings hung on the walls. Such a place is inhabited by you and the demons in portraits muttering, appearing to be yourself.

In a split second of violence erupting in hysteria and rage, you can take down all those depressing images, and get rid of those voices, of those monsters trying to pull you down to the bottom of the abyss. Picture that with your eyes closed: yourself in the castle tearing up the paintings.

As you take them down, the demons complain, cry, scream, instil fear in you. You do not need them.

You can no longer be the prey, nor their food, nor be devoured from the inside. They are eating away your organs, consuming everything. 

Your Transformation Must Start Today

Start NOW
Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Henceforward you are the hunter, nothing is chasing you, thereby nobody is on your tail. You are the predator in every way – never return as the prey.

Does it terrify you? If your muscles are tense, gasping for air, sweating, or with a chest pain, it is not you, it’s the demons manifesting themselves, warning you about your scary, challenging, and ‘unworthy’ action.

“What you should do instead,” they say, “is to stay at home, on your couch and watch TV, because you deserve to rest.”

No, you don’t deserve that. You are worthy of success, and wealth.

What Should You Do?

Free yourself from factors that keep you psychologically attached to bad habits, apathy, toxic people, points of view. Shake the dust off. You already know what is affecting you, what to ditch while you are reading this article.

With your heart on fire, and your burning desire taking shape, make a list of 10 things you want to leave behind, to eradicate, to throw to the rubbish bin. They are to be replaced, eliminated, or controlled. Give specific names to what distresses you.

You can achieve anything you want, even more than you ever imagined, forasmuch as you have that power.

Are you scared of making changes? Is it social condemnation? Being judged? By whom? Who is more important than yourself?

Kindle the Fire

Kindle the fire
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

What would kindle the fire inside you? Tragedy, pain, sorrow, poverty, purpose, anger, love?

In fact, a craving for radical change, an unquenchable thirst for transformation. It could give rise to your inner Angel of Fire.

And this decision can be taken forthwith, without too much thinking. Now it’s the time.


Emerge from the depth
Photo by simon wood on Unsplash

Gather all that courage and climb from the depths, from the ashes, and come to your own rescue. Withdraw yourself from the mud, from the grime.

Seize this opportunity to prove yourself what you’re capable of. No matter what others think of you. You can be as powerful as you intend to be, and the moment to ignite a spark that becomes a fire and to give birth to a fresh individual is right now. 

Roar, scream, sound the alarm, jump from the couch, from your bed, and activate the power within. Go running, move your body. Leave the weakness behind.

What If the Demons Rebel?

Of course, they will surface in moments of distress, saying: “See, you were not prepared; told you,” or “I warned you about this.” Do not listen to their voices. Be so defiant they cannot put you down.

Will you let them come back and destroy all you’ve accomplished after getting rid of them?


Victory is in sight
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The new “you” begins its journey now. Not tomorrow, not in ten minutes… NOW. It is do or die. Fight with no surrender, with your weapons drawn. The last thing to cry is Victory.

Victory is in sight… can you see it?

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